September 19, 2024

Car repair and maintenance articles

Transmission Slipping

The most important component of a car, without which driving would be impossible, is its transmission. There are two main types, which include automatic and manual. It works as a torque distribution and speed control mechanism, which operates through gears. A well-oiled and fully-functional transmission, lets you make a more efficient use of engine power.

A slipping transmission should never be left unchecked. If ignored, the problem may grow into a full-blown failure, which can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs.

The Slipping Phenomenon

When you hit the accelerator and see the engine RPM touching high values but your car wheels do not get the requisite power from the transmission, it is a sign of slipping and not engaging gears. This absence of timely synchronized gear change is slipping. When this happens, efficient use of engine power is not possible, leading to efficiency losses and a bumpy ride.


One of the most easily noticeable slipping symptoms is abnormal RPM reading, which crosses over 3000. When your transmission slips, you will notice that your car coasts for a long time, before it comes to a stop. Downshifting problems and delay in car acceleration are other signs to watch out for. You may experience problems in using the reverse gear and the transition is not at all smooth.

Another sign is a high degree of noise, that may become noticeable at high speeds. Experienced car mechanics suggest that a telltale sign of slipping problems is a change in the color of transmission fluid to brown, from the usual red. If you notice any of these car problems consistently, while driving your car, then you must get it checked, as soon as possible. A timely visit to a car mechanic might save you a lot of money.


The prime reason is low transmission fluid level, leading to increasingly higher degree of friction between gears, which brings us to the second prime reason. Worn out gears may be another reason. Transmission band problems or torque converter malfunctioning are other causes.

How to Fix the Problem?

To fix a slipping transmission, an accurate diagnosis of the cause must be made. Considering the nature of these systems, their repair is best left to professionals. A repair of the torque converter, fluid change, gear replacement, and transmission band repair may fix the problem effectively.

If you can avoid the prime causes of slipping and carry out maintenance dutifully, such problems will scarcely arise. Transmission problems should not be ignored and should be taken care of, as soon as possible, to prevent major car repairs. Ensuring adequate lubricant levels will take care of more than half of the problems.



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