October 3, 2024

Car repair and maintenance articles

How to Start Volvo Automobile Diesel Engines in Cold Weather

In cold weather, many cars with diesel engines can be difficult to start. This is because the diesel fuel coagulates, or becomes thicker, in cold temperatures. In Sweden, the home of the Volvo, owners often run engine block heaters through the night when temperatures fall below freezing to prevent the engine from cracking and to help make starting the car easier in the morning. Even without a block heater, though, you can start a cold diesel Volvo in just a few steps.

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Things You’ll Need

  • Key
  • Use the built-in engine block heater or parking heater to warm up the engine before you start the car, if you have one. If you do not have an engine block heater or parking heater, insert your key and turn it to the second position—the second click.

  • Wait until the orange engine preheater light goes off in the dashboard. The light is on the left side of the speedometer. When the light goes off, it means that the glow plugs have warmed the engine enough to start it. The preheater automatically comes on at temperatures lower than -2 C, or about 29 F.

  • Turn the key until the engine starts. If the engine is sluggish to start, remove the key completely and try again.

  • Check your battery light if the car still will not start. If your battery is new and fully charged, check the glow plugs. These are located in the upper engine compartment on the front right-hand side.



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