October 4, 2024

Car repair and maintenance articles

Many vehicle owners can overlook an area of the car that can become dirty and should be cleaned in order to maintain the appearance and integrity of the vehicle: the wheel wells. This is the inner area of the fender, and it can become covered with dirt and grime. In the winter, wheel wells can become coated in road salt, which can begin to rust wheel wells, which could lead to a costly repair. It is possible to clean a wheel well at home without the need for costly tools.

Things You’ll Need

  • Garden hose with high pressure nozzle
  • Chemical cleaner
  • Rubber gloves
  • Sponge
  • Park the car in a shady area and allow it to cool. Cleaning the car when it is warm could result in damage to the area around the wheel wells.

  • Spray the inside of the wheel wells and the area outside of the car around the wheel wells with water from a garden hose with a high pressure garden hose nozzle. This will clean any dirt and debris from inside of the wheel well and protect the paint job from the chemicals used to clean the area.

  • Spray the surface of the wheel wells with a chemical cleaner that is specifically formulated to clean this area. These chemical cleaners can be found at many automotive supply stores.

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  • Wearing rubber gloves, work the cleaner into the wheel wells with a sponge.

  • Allow the cleaner to sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

  • Spray the wheel wells and surrounding painted areas of the car with the garden hose. This will remove any the cleaner used and any remaining dirt and grime.

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Car cleaning

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