October 16, 2024

Car repair and maintenance articles

How to Stop Engine Oil Leak

Engine oil is of immense importance for smooth functioning of the vehicle. It doesn’t just act as a lubricant for various mechanical components of the vehicle, but also doubles up as a coolant in the engine and keeps serious car problems, including overheating and corrosion, at bay.

Now that must have given you a rough idea, as to what would happen if you lose oil as a result of unattended leakage. In such circumstances, the best measure to avoid these problems is to detect engine oil leak, and stop it before it leads to serious damage.

Engine Oil Leak – Causes and Solutions

If you think the problem is quite serious or if you are not comfortable, opting for professional help will be a wise thing to do. If it happens to be a minor leakage problem, you can repair it on your own with some simple tools which are readily available in your garage. Discussed below are some of the most common causes of oil leakage in vehicles, and solutions in accordance to the underlying causes.

Oil leak caused as a result of loose bolts.
Solution: You can check if the bolts have become loose, and tighten them if necessary.

Oil leak caused as a result of worn out valve cover gaskets.
Solution: You will have to replace the worn out components with new ones.

Oil leak attributed to a shabbily fixed oil filter.
Solution: You will have to fix the oil filter properly to fix oil leak.

Leakage caused as a result of the gap caused by worn out seal.
Solution: You can use one of the various stop-leak products available in the market to stop such oil leaks.

Damage caused to the oil pan, as a result of bumping onto raised ground or running over a rock, can also result in engine oil leakage.
Solution: If the damage caused to the oil pan is major, you will have to opt for welding to fix the same. As a temporary arrangement, you can fix a bolt of the size of the hole into it until you get it welded. Although crude, this technique is of great help in dire situations.

So, how do you determine whether your car is affected by this problem?

Some Telltale Signs of Engine Oil Leak

  • Oil puddle on your garage floor or your driveway
  • Oil stained underside of the vehicle chassis
  • Oil stained engine
  • Low engine oil

A simple way to diagnose this problem is to lay some old newspapers beneath your vehicle when you park it at night, and check for oil stains in the morning. Even minor leaks, which otherwise go unnoticed, can be detected by this method with ease. Similarly, you can use a dipstick to monitor engine oil levels, and see whether your vehicle is losing oil.

Due to the disastrous effects that an engine oil leak can have on your car, it becomes very important to deal with it at the earliest. Simple measures and periodic checks can make sure that this frustrating problem is avoided. In case, you do come across an oil leak in your car, the methods described above will help you fix the problem. That being said, you also need to note that an engine is a confusingly complex machine, and if you are in any doubt, it is best to avail the services of a reputed auto-mechanic.



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